PhD student at Sorbonne University
Team : Phare

Supervision : Guy PUJOLLE
Co-supervision : PARIENTE Michel

Design and Optimization of Next-Generation Carrier-Grade Wi-Fi Networks

As Wi-Fi is gaining a lot of momentum in today’s networks as well as in future networks, new carrier-grade requirements are emerging to support future user expectations and provide high-performance Wi-Fi networks. In this context, we investigate several problems surrounding the design and optimization of carrier-grade next-generation Wi-Fi networks. In the first stage, our objective is to improve the Wi-Fi user experience and offer to him a personalized and seamless access to Wi-Fi networks and services. For this, we propose an extension to the IEEE 802.11 management frames to enable venue service discovery prior to Wi-Fi association while avoiding channel overhead. We define also a set of extensible service labels to uniquely and globally identify the most known venue-based services. In the second stage, we deal with network architecture and management issues in next-generation carrier Wi-Fi environment. More specifically, we first propose a novel carrier-managed Wi-Fi architecture that leverages NFV and Edge Cloud Computing concepts. We aim through this architecture to bring more agility and adaptability and improve user perceived QoS by placing network functions and certain services close to end-users. To address some major management issues in this proposed architecture, we then propose placement and provisioning strategies of Virtual Network Functions based on QoS requirements.

Phd defence : 09/27/2016

Jury members :

Mme Catherine Rosenberg, Professeur, Université de Waterloo - Canada [Rapporteur]
M. Sami Tabbane, Professeur, École Supérieure des Communications (Sup’Com) –Tunis - Tunisie [Rapporteur]
M. Maurice Gagnaire, Professeur, Télécom ParisTech – Paris - France
M. Emmanuel Bertin, Architecte Service Senior, Orange Labs – Caen - France
M. Rami Langar, Maître de Conférences - HDR, UPMC Sorbonne Universités –Paris - France
M. Guy Pujolle, Professeur, UPMC Sorbonne Universités – Paris - France
M. Michel Pariente, Directeur R&D, Meteor Network – Vitry sur Seine - France

Departure date : 12/01/2016

2014-2016 Publications