PhD graduated
Team : MLIA
Departure date : 12/31/2017

Supervision : Patrick GALLINARI

Co-supervision : GUIGUE Vincent

Personnalized access to information : taking the user's dynamic into account

The main goal of this thesis resides in using rich and efficient profiling to improve the adequation between the retrieved information and the user's expectations. We focus on exploiting as much feedback as we can (being clicks, ratings or written reviews) as well as context. In the meantime, the tremendous growth of ubiquitous computing forces us to rethink the role of information access platforms. Therefore, we took interest not solely in performances but also in accompanying users through their access to the information.
Throughout this thesis, we focused on users dynamics modeling. Not only it improves the system performances but it also brings some kind of explicativity to the recommendation. Thus, we propose to accompany the user through his experience accessing information instead of constraining him to a given set of items the systems finds fitting.

Defence : 11/27/2017

Jury members :

Mme. Anne Boyer, Professeur, LORIA – Nancy [Rapporteur]
M. Emmanuel Viennet, Professeur, L2TI – Villetaneuse [Rapporteur]
M. Bernd Amann, Professeur, LIP6
M. Nicolas Usunier, Senior Researcher, Facebook - Paris
M. Vincent Guigue, Professeur, LIP6
M. Patrick Gallinari, Professeur, LIP6

Departure date : 12/31/2017

2013-2017 Publications