MARNE Bertrand
Supervision : Jean-Marc LABAT
Tools and models for serious games design: a meta-design approach
This thesis in computer science is in the field of Serious Games (SGs) for learning, and focuses on design and authoring tools for adaptation.
SGs are Technology Enhanced Learning systems whose design requires collaboration of different types of experts among which teachers.
To help the initial multi-expertise design of the SGs that mix fun and learning, we propose a conceptual framework named the 6 Facets of the Design of SGs, which helps stakeholders to collaborate at every stage of design. The 6 Facets are enhanced by the design pattern (Dps) library we offer, which builds a vocabulary promoting participatory design.
To enable teachers to co-design SGs during the use stage, we extend the participatory design approach to meta-design. We propose a model and an authoring tool that help teachers to adapt SGs to their specific teaching contexts.
MoPPLiq is a model, both formal and visual, representing the several stages of an SG. It is meant to be explicit and adaptable by teachers. APPLiq is an authoring tool meant to adapt instances of MoPPLiq models, and automatically check and compensate their inconsistencies.
Our conceptual tools (6 Facets and DPs) and software tools (MoPPLiq and APPLiq) were tested while designing SGs with public and private partners and with SGs used by teachers.
Defence : 07/10/2014
Jury members :
Sébastien George (Université du Maine) [Rapporteur]
Jean-Charles Marty (Université de Savoie) [Rapporteur]
Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni (Université Pierre et Maris Curie)
Jean-Marc Labat (Université Pierre et Maris Curie)
Domitile Lourdeaux (Université de Technologie de Compiègne)
M. Stéphane Natkin (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers)
2011-2022 Publications
- H. Saddoug, A. Rahimian, B. Marne, M. Muratet, K. Sehaba, S. Jolivet : “Analyse de l’adaptabilitĂ© de jeux pour l’apprentissage de la pensĂ©e informatique ou de la programmation”, L'informatique, objets d'enseignement et d'apprentissage. Quelles nouvelles perspectives pour la recherche ? Actes du colloque DIDAPRO 9, Le Mans, France (2022)
- H. Saddoug, A. Rahimian, B. Marne, M. Muratet, K. Sehaba, S. Jolivet : “Review of the Adaptability of a Set of Learning Games Meant for Teaching Computational Thinking or Programming in France”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, vol. 1, Prague, Czechia, pp. 562-569, (SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications) (2022)
- B. Marne, K. Sehaba, M. Muratet : “Vers une mĂ©thode de mĂ©ta-design de jeux sĂ©rieux : Application pour l’apprentissage de la programmation Ă travers Blockly Maze”, 10e ConfĂ©rence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, Transformations dans le domaine des EIAH : innovations technologiques et d’usage(s), Fribourg, France, pp. 342-347 (2021)
- B. Marne, M. Muratet, K. Sehaba : “Toward a Meta-design Method for Learning Games”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2: CSEDU, vol. 2, Online, Portugal, pp. 370-376 (2021)
- X. NĂ©dĂ©lec, B. Marne, M. Muratet, K. Sehaba, J. Lapostolle : “Une approche mĂ©ta-design du jeu sĂ©rieux pour l’enseignement de l’informatique Ă l’école Ă©lĂ©mentaire”, Actes de l'atelier Apprendre la PensĂ©e Informatique de la Maternelle Ă l'UniversitĂ©., Fribourg, Switzerland, pp. 96-106 (2021)
- Th. Carron, M. Muratet, B. Marne, A. Yessad : “Analyser et reprĂ©senter la progression de la difficultĂ© d’un jeu sĂ©rieux du point de vue ludique et pĂ©dagogique”, Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH 2017), Strasbourg, France (2017)
- B. Marne : “Assessing an Authoring Tool for Meta-Design of Serious Games”, 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning, Steinkjer, Norway, pp. 368-377 (2015)
- B. Marne : “Modèles et outils pour la conception de jeux sĂ©rieux : une approche meta-design”, thesis, phd defence 07/10/2014, supervision Labat, Jean-Marc (2014)
- B. Marne : “Évaluation d’un outil auteur d’adaptation de jeux sĂ©rieux”, Actes de la 9e confĂ©rence des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement, BĂ©ziers, France, pp. 35-46 (2014)
- B. Marne, J.‑M. Labat : “Model and Authoring Tool to Help Teachers Adapt Serious Games to their Educational Contexts”, International Journal of Learning Technology, vol. 9 (2), pp. 161-180, (Inderscience) (2014)
- B. Marne, Th. Carron, J.‑M. Labat, I. Marfisi‑Schottman : “MoPPLiq: A Model For Pedagogical Adaptation of Serious Game Scenarios”, 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Beijing, China, pp. 291-293, (IEEE Computer Society) (2013)
- B. Marne, Th. Carron, J.‑M. Labat : “ModĂ©lisation des parcours pĂ©dago-ludiques pour l’adaptation des jeux sĂ©rieux”, 6e ConfĂ©rence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Toulouse, France, pp. 55-66, (IRIT Press 2013) (2013)
- B. Marne, J.‑M. Labat : “ImplĂ©mentation de patrons de conception pour l’adaptation des parcours pĂ©dago-ludiques dans les jeux sĂ©rieux”, 8e Colloque Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication pour l'Enseignement (TICE 2012), Lyon, France, pp. 69-79 (2012)
- B. Marne, J. Wisdom, B. Huynh‑Kim‑Bang, J.‑M. Labat : “The Six Facets of Serious Game Design: a Methodology Enhanced by our Design Pattern Library”, Seventh European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2012), vol. 7563, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, SaarbrĂĽcken, Germany, pp. 208-221, (Springer Berlin / Heidelberg) (2012)
- B. Marne, J. Wisdom, B. Huynh‑Kim‑Bang, J.‑M. Labat : “A Design Pattern Library for Mutual Understanding and Cooperation in Serious Game Design”, 11th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS 2012), vol. 7315, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Chania, Greece, pp. 135-140, (Springer Berlin / Heidelberg) (2012)
- B. Marne, B. Huynh‑Kim‑Bang, J.‑M. Labat : “Articuler motivation et apprentissage grâce aux facettes du jeu sĂ©rieux”, EIAH 2011 - ConfĂ©rence sur les Environnements Informatiques pour l'Apprentissage Humain, Mons, Belgium, pp. 69-80, (Editions de l'UMONS, Mons 2011) (2011)
- B. Capdevila, B. Marne, J.‑M. Labat : “Conceptual and Technical Frameworks for Serious Games”, Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Games Based Learning, Reading, United Kingdom, pp. 81-87, (Academic Publishing Limited) (2011)