I defended my PhD on November 7th, 2012 in the Chiffre Laboratory of Thales Communications Inc. and in the SALSA Team (UPMC/LIP6/INRIA) in the Scientific Computing department of the Computer Science Laboratory of Université Paris 6 (LIP6) (under CIFRE programme). My supervisors were Jean-Charles Faugère, Guénaël Renault and Olivier Orcière.

I worked on Algebraic Side-Channel Attacks.

PhD thesis

  • Cryptanalyse algébrique par canaux auxiliaires. Thales/UPMC Paris, France, November 07, 2012.
    pdf slides

Articles, talks and conferences

  • Attacking (EC)DSA Given Only an Implicit Hint
    Jean-Charles Faugère, Christopher Goyet, Guénaël Renault.
    Conference on Selected Areas in Cryptography 2012.
    SAC2012. University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada, August 16-17 2012.
    preprint slides
  • An Analysis of Algebraic Side Channel Attacks (extended version)
    Claude Carlet, Jean-Charles Faugère, Christopher Goyet, Guénaël Renault.
    The Journal of Cryptographic Engineering (JCEN), preprint.
  • A new Criterion for Effective Algebraic Side Channel Attacks
    Jean-Charles Faugère, Christopher Goyet, Guénaël Renault.
    • COSADE 2011. Darmstadt, Germany, February 24-25 2011.
      slides abstract
    • Séminaire SALSA 2010. LIP6/UPMC/INRIA Paris, France, December 01 2010.
  • An Analysis of Algebraic Side Channel Attacks
    Claude Carlet, Jean-Charles Faugère, Christopher Goyet, Guénaël Renault.
    • Journées Codage et Cryptographie. Oléron, France, April 05 2011.
      slides abstract
    • Séminaire “Protection de l'information”, MTII-LAGA-Université Paris 8.
      Saint-Denis, France, May 03 2012. slides


  • On the total order of reducibility of a pencil of algebraic plane curves
    Internship of Master 2, GALAAD project-team INRIA/Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné.
    Supervised by Bernard Mourrain and Laurent Busé. Nice, France, June 2009.

  • La mise en activité des élèves : Comment améliorer l'apprentissage
    des élèves durant une séance en optimisant le temps d'activité individuel.
    Mémoire professionnel, Master 2 MEEF, ESPE Nice Georges V.
    Supervised by Marie-Neige Morineau and Alain Patriti. Nice, France, June 2015.


2010 : TD Calcul Scientifique LI217 (UPMC)
2011 : TD Numération et logique MLI230B (Paris Descartes)
2014 : Agrégation de Mathématiques (131ème)
2014/2015 : Mathematics teacher in the middle school Antoine Risso,
Nice, année de titularisation.
2015/2021 : Mathematics teacher in the high school Guillaume Apollinaire (Nice)
Khôlleur en Mathématiques au Lycée Massena (PSI Nice)
2016/2018 : TD Algèbre L1 Maths/Info (Université de Nice - Valrose)
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