LIP6 1999/028:
Rapport de Recherche LIP6 /
research reports
14 pages - Décembre/December 1999 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : 75 Ko /Kb
Contact : par mail / e-mail
Thème/Team: Systèmes Répartis et Coopératifs
Titre français : Observation d'exécutions réparties : une approche réflexive pour CORBA
Titre anglais : Observation of Distributed Computations: a Reflective Approach for CORBA
Abstract : This document describes some reflective programming techniques to observe a distributed computation in a CORBA environment. First, we propose a new order relation to translate causal dependencies in a distributed program. We generalize Lamport's "Happened before" relation defined for message passing applications, to an object causal relation between distributed events in an environment with synchronous and asynchronous method calls, method synchronizations and variable sharings. Second, we propose a reflective approach to observe this relation. Finally, a tool is provided to display the causal dependencies graph of a distributed run.
Key-words : Causality, CORBA, Reflection, OpenJava, Observation
Publications internes LIP6 1999 / LIP6 research reports 1999