LIP6 1999/013:
Rapport de Recherche LIP6 /
research reports
15 pages - Mai/May 1999 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : 65 Ko /Kb
Contact : par mail / e-mail
Thème/Team: Systèmes d'Aide à la Décision et à la Formation
Titre français : Sur la borne de Graham pour l'ordonnancement cyclique
Titre anglais : On the Graham's bound for cyclic scheduling
Abstract : This paper adresses the performance of list scheduling a cyclic set of N non-preemptive dependent generic tasks on m identical processors. The reduced precedence graph is assumed to be strongly connected but the number of simultaneously active instances of a generic task is not restricted to be at most one. Some properties on arbitrary schedules are first given. Then we restrict to regular schedules for which it is shown that the number of ready or active tasks at any instant is at least the minimum height H* of a directed circuit of the reduced precedence graph. The average cycle time of any regular list schedule is then shown to be at most 2-(min{H^*,m}/m) times the absolute minimum average cycle time. This result, which is similar well-known 2-1/m Graham's bound applying for non cyclic scheduling, shows to what extent regular list schedules take the parallelism of the cyclic task system into account.
Key-words : Cyclic scheduling, List algorithm, performance ratio
Publications internes LIP6 1999 / LIP6 research reports 1999