LIP6 1998/051: Rapport de Recherche
LIP6 /
LIP6 research
51 pages - Décembre/December 1998 -
French document.
PostScript : 104 Ko /Kb
Contact : par mail / e-mail
Thème/Team: Algorithmique Numérique et Parallélisme
Titre français : Résolution de systèmes linéaires dans les semi-anneaux et les dioïdes
Titre anglais : Algorithms for linear systems over semi-rings and dioids
Abstract : Many classical algorithms for solving linear systems in usual algebra may be extended to much more general algebraic structures such as semi-rings and dioids. We present here a synthetic overview of these extensions : iterative methods such as generalized JACOBI and GAUSS-SEIDEL algorithms ; elimination methods such as generalized GAUSS-JORDAN and "Escalator" algorithms ; generalized "greedy" algorithm. As interesting special cases, we find again various well-known algorithms for solving the shortest path problem on directed graphs : the FORD-BELLMANN algorithm, FLOYD'S and DANTZIG's algorithm, and DIJKSTRA's algorithm.
Key-words : semi-rings, dioids, linear systems
Publications internes LIP6 1998 / LIP6 research reports 1998