LIP6 1998/037: Rapport de Recherche
LIP6 /
LIP6 research
43 pages - Juillet/July 1998 -
French document.
PostScript : 103 Ko /Kb
Contact : par mail / e-mail
Thème/Team: Systèmes Répartis et Coopératifs
Titre français : MetaScribe : un outil pour la génération de moteurs de réécriture
Titre anglais : MetaScribe, a tool for the generation of transformation engines
Abstract : This report presents MetaScribe, a transformation engine generator.
MetaScribe eases the construction of translator (form a format to another) and program generators. It distinguishes discrete aspects :
* the description of input formalism (components of a representation) to deduce the description of models (specification to be processed),
* the description of models using the format deduced from the formalism description,
* the definition of semantic transformations rules (e.g. production of expression trees),
* the definition of a syntax to apply on expression trees.
* MetaScribe is curently used to produce program generators
Key-words : Program Generation, Software Engineering
Publications internes LIP6 1998 / LIP6 research reports 1998