LIP6 1998/025: Rapport de Recherche
LIP6 /
LIP6 research
11 pages - Juin/June 1998 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : 43 Ko /Kb
Contact : par mail / e-mail
Thème/Team: Systèmes Répartis et Coopératifs
Titre français : Formalisation des contraintes de qualité sur le cycle de vies des applications réparties
Titre anglais : Quality Management Issues along Life-cycle of Distributed Applications
Abstract : Face to the much and much complexity in computer applications and their interconnection via networks, the distribution paradigm has become a standard. Nowadays, an application is often built to be part of a larger system to which they can offer services or require them from it. The component-based approach is becoming standard in Software Engineering. It is mainly an incremental way to build applications from components that have been tailored, validated, verified and implemented ad-hoc or reused. Verification and validation during conception as well as optimization during implementation become therefore important activities in applications life-cycle. Another strong need is to ensure that there is no drift between what is specified and the implemented solution. We propose a multi-formalisms approach with two component models. The first one is dedicated to specification and allows to undertake verification and validation. The second one is dedicated to code generation and offers optimization means. Both, they have colored Petri nets as formal basis and the traceability between them is semi-automatic, based on formal rules which ensure lack of drift from specification to implementation.
Key-words : Distributed Applications, Quality, Traceability
Publications internes LIP6 1998 / LIP6 research reports 1998