1996/22: Rapport de Recherche
Masi / Masi
research reports
16 pages - Septembre/September 1996 -
French document.
PostScript : 52 Ko /Kb
Titre français : Étude Comparative des Mécanismes de Rejets Sélectifs dans un Commutateur Frame Relay
Titre anglais : A comparative study of selective loss mechanisms in Frame Relay switch
Abstract : In high speed network, it can be necessary to ensure priority packet discarding which is considered to be a popular congestion control technique. This technique allows network ressources to be used more efficiency, thereby making it easier to satisfy QoS requierement of differents classes of traffic.
In this report, we focus on two priority mechanisms which both realize selective discarding : Partial Buffer Sharing (PBS) and Push-Out (PO). We have evaluate performance of PBS which is a threshold-based discarding mechanism. Furthermore, we make comparative study of PBS and PO for each priority class, indicating the best performance of a simple threshold mechanism (PBS). In addition, we study via simulation the limitation of those mechanisms performances and influence of less priority traffic load.
Key-words : Performances, Partial Buffer Sharing, Push-Out, priority, loss, simulation, Frame Relay, LAN
Publications internes Masi 1996 / Masi research reports 1996