1996/14: Rapport de Recherche
Masi / Masi
research reports
9 pages - Mai/May 1996 -
French document.
PostScript : 19 Ko /Kb
Titre français : Mécanisme de va-et-vient réparti en mémoire dans un environnement réseau à haut débit
Titre anglais : Distributed remote swap in a high speed network
Abstract : High speed networks evolution offers new possibilities in designing distributed operating system, taking into account the increasing speed of memory to memory access. This paper addresses one of these topics, a distributed remote swap. It aims to reduce the global access time to virtual memory by swapping out pages, not on a local disk, but on the remote memory of idle machines. This remote swap is designed for dedicated parallel applications running on top of a set of workstations connected by a high speed network.
Key-words : distributed remote swap, high speed network
Publications internes Masi 1996 / Masi research reports 1996