1996/11: Rapport de Recherche
Masi / Masi
research reports
19 pages - Mai/May 1996 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : 54 Ko /Kb
Titre français : Implantation d'un schéma de gestion des applications multimédias réparties,
sans réservation de ressources
Titre anglais : QoS Management Scheme for Multimedia Applications in Best Effort Environments
Abstract : Multi-media applications have time constraints and so need to have system resources available when required. However the load on multi-users systems is unpredictable, as users start various applications. So the system resources need to be managed if multimedia applications are to run correctly.
Management schemes for multimedia applications typically fall into two categories. Those which rely on central manager to reserve resources for each application and those that use application based adaptation to deliver a reasonable quality of service. We have decided to consider the second approach, more general because adapted to best-effort environments.
We define the execution rules of adaptive applications and explain problems linked to the undeterministic and unfair repartitioning of resources among these applications. This leads to the necessity of a central management scheme for these applications. So, we present a model of QoS management, and explain the current implementation of management information bases (MIB) to garantee a minimum quality to applications.}
Key-words : Multimedia, Quality of Service, Management, Adaptivity
Publications internes Masi 1996 / Masi research reports 1996