Rapport de Recherche Masi /
Masi research reports
74 pages - Décembre/December 1995 -
French document.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Hypermédias, éducation et formation : Techniques, marchés et usages
Abstract : This report gathers five papers presented in 1994/1995 at the "Hypermedias, Education et Formation" seminar. Jean-François ROUET presents expe-rimental results about simple hypertext uses and highligths the necessity of providing students with a suitable task model in order to guarantee cognitive compatibility between student and system. Bernard STIEGLER describes a structured set of annotation tools aiming at defining a computer assisted reading device. Jean Paul BOIS tries to analyse possible evolutions of the new industry interactive multimedia. Antoine RIZK and his colleagues deal with the management of distributed hypermedia resources and present the main features of a link server in MHEG standard, adapted to the Multicard system. Finally, Fabrice PAPY and Jean-Louis VULDY give an overview of their work concerning automatic hypertextualisation of technical documents.
Publications internes Masi 1995 / Masi research reports 1995