Rapport de Recherche Masi /
Masi research reports
184 pages - Octobre/October 1995 -
French document.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Environnements Mobiles : Etude et Synthèse Bibliographique
Abstract : Nowadays, the user of a portable computer is able to work while travelling, but the network connection can not be maintained. Mobile computing tries to resolve this problem allowing network connections to be preserved even when the user and their computer are moving.
Therefore, mobile computing must provide all the services usually employed in classical distributed systems (complete working environment, electronic mail, etc.), augmented with techniques which allow them to fonction more or less independantly of location.
Nevertheless, before we can assume that applications run well in mobile environments, many issues need to be solved. These issues concern equipment (disconnections, low bandwidth, variable communication requirements, energy, storage and power limitations), network (naming, routing), resource and mobile host localisation, data management, security, and distributed systems mecanisms.
On one hand, these constraints are caused by mobility (users and equipment move). On the other hand, mobile systems architectures are different from those used in static networks (small equipment, wireless communications, zones of communication and fixed hosts in charge of those zones, etc).
Hence, the impact of mobile computing is very important - equally so for networks, applications and systems - and the technical challenges that will make it possible are not as trivial as we might first think.
Publications internes Masi 1995 / Masi research reports 1995