Rapport de Recherche Masi /
Masi research reports
22 pages - Juillet/July 1995 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: An Alternative to Benders Decomposition : the Barycentric Method
Abstract : This paper describess an alternative approach to Benders decomposition for large scale optimization problems formed by smaller problems tied together through coupling variables. This may be interpreted as an augmented Lagrangean approach applied to a reformulation of the problem. In the 'barycentric method 'each local subproblem to be solved involves both the local variables and a copy of the coupling variables, and a linear and quadratic term, depending on the latter, is added to the local objective function. At the master problem level, computations are shown to reduce to the determination of a barycenter (hence the name given to the method). Feasibility with respect to the constraints on the coupling variables is shown to be preserved throughout the iteration, and convergence proof of the method is given. Conditions under which linear convergence is obtained are also studied.
Publications internes Masi 1995 / Masi research reports 1995