Rapport de Recherche Masi /
Masi research reports
8 pages - Mai/May 1995 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: On logical reasoning and knowledge representation in Socratic problems using a comparison between experts and novices in mathematical logic
Abstract : Experts solve complex problems considerably faster and more accurately than novices do. Those differences are commonplaces of everyday experience, yet only recently we have begun to understand what the expert does differently from the novice to account for this superiority. Some researches in several domains of knowledge have described that there are large differences in knowledge mental representation between experts, intermediate learners and novices. Several of these researches even set off the significance of logic reasoning in any understanding process.
he aim of this paper is to describe a recent research on learning, a relatively new focus of interest for cognitive psychologists, artificial intelligence or educational researchers, based on a practical experiment made with experts and novices in logical reasoning. The main goal of this experiment is to investigate the integration of the reduction to the absurd with previous logical knowledge. Our investigations were conducted to examine between problem-solving ability and the criteria used to decide that one classical logic reasoning problem would be solved by similarity with others kinds of problems. In the present study we design a pedagogical judgement task that allowed us to examine the relative contribution of a new deep structure of an artificial intelligence curriculum.
Publications internes Masi 1995 / Masi research reports 1995