Rapport de Recherche Masi /
Masi research reports
24 pages - Mai/May 1995 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Study of the effetcts of a modification through the High Level Specifications
Abstract : In the area of system engineering maintenance, a lot of tools and techniques exist but they are only oriented for code level maintenance which can be very costly. This paper focuses on change repercussion in high-level specification (HLS). Based on the Specification_Units model (a modular decomposition of the system, where behavior is expressed with Colored Petri Nets), we define and characterise different kinds of dependencies (intra-modular and extra-modular). On the basis of this propagation relation, we suggest a maintenance guide-line, to be followed in front of a change within HLS.
Publications internes Masi 1995 / Masi research reports 1995