Rapport de Recherche Masi /
Masi research reports
25 pages - Avril/April 1994 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: The Symbolic to Real Mask Transaltion Approach in the Allianc
CAD System
Abstract : This report aimsat explaining the way to parametrize the symbolic layout to target process layout tool of the Alliance CAD system. Because of the human investment required for the design of physical VLSI libraries, a process independent approach to layout is a must. Introducing a new symbolic approach to layout, Alliance requires also an efficient way to translate the process independent layouts into masks suitable for the silicon foundry. We present here the various mecanisms that are used during the symbolic to target process translation along with informations that allows the technologist to parameterize the tool for a new process,
Publications internes Masi 1994 / Masi research reports 1994