Rapport de Recherche Masi /
Masi research reports
62 pages - Mars/March 1994 -
French document.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Un environnement hypermédia pour la production de didacticiels
Abstract : Today's research trends in the field of courseware-producing tools are oriented towards the use of hypermedia environments in order to merge both learning through navigation and learning through tutorials. This type of courseware enables a tutorial-mode user to access temporarily a data bank where he can navigate freely in search of data. The yielding of these coursewares with the help of hypermedia softwares is very complex and requires from the author the complete knowledge with a special emphasis on programming so as to get the missing interactive C.A.L functions.
This work is mainly concerned with the development of computing tools only with the help of icons. The author will be able to produce rapidly his courseware based on a bundle of questionnaires and an hypertext data bank. This first part lays emphasis on the design of author tools, namely the support to the generation of hypertext from a linear text, and the automatic production of questionnaires.
Publications internes Masi 1994 / Masi research reports 1994