Rapport de Recherche Litp /
Litp research reports
41 pages - Avril/April 1996 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Connections between the lattices of subpseudovarieties of B and DA
Abstract : We use classical results on the lattice L(B) of varieties of band (idempotent) semigroups to obtain information on the structure of the lattice Ps (DA) of subpseudovarieties of DA, _where DA is the largest pseudovariety of finite semigroups in which all regular semigroups are band semigroups. We bring forward a lattice congruence on Ps (DA), whose quotient is isomorphic to L ( B ) and whose classes are effectively computable intervals. Also we characterize the pro-identities satisfied by the members of an important family of subpseudovarieties of DA. Finally, letting Vk be the pseudovariety generated by the k-generated elements of DA (k „ 1),we use all our results to compute the position of the congruence class of Vk in L( B).
Publications internes Litp 1996 / Litp research reports 1996