Rapport de Recherche Litp /
Litp research reports
22 pages - Janvier/January 1996 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: The Logic in Computer Science column
Abstract : This is a critical discussion of constructivism in computer science. Many computer scientists do not know what constructivism is exactly and what provoqued it. To answer the second question, we discuss set-theoretic antinomies and the related foundational crisis in Section 1. In Section 2, we give a short popular introduction to constructivism. To be fair, we discuss good things about constructivism in Section 3. In Section 4 we criticize a constructivism-inspired idea of designing algorithms by proving constructively their specification. Finally, in Section 5, we give our critique of constructivism.
Publications internes Litp 1995 / Litp research reports 1995