Rapport de Recherche Litp /
Litp research reports
11 pages - Février/February 1995 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Worst-Case Analysis of Fast Heuristics for Packing Squares into a Square
Abstract : Let S={S0,...,Sn-1} be a given set of squares. To pack the squares into a square with minimal edge is a NP-hard problem. We analyze the relative worst-case ratio of fast heuristics for this problem. The heuristics build a packing using a layer by layer strategy. The first heuristic has no bounded worst-case ratio even when the squares are sorted by nonincreasing size, the worst-case ratio of the second heuristic is bounded by ÷2. We show an instance for which the ratio is 1083/ 770 @ 1.4065 so the bound ÷2@1.4142 is almost reached. The third heuristic is more sophisticated than the second and it has the same bound for its worst-case ratio. We build an instance for which the ratio is 67/ 48@1.3958.
Publications internes Litp 1995 / Litp research reports 1995