Rapport de Recherche Litp /
Litp research reports
12 pages - Décembre/December 1994 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Polynomial closure of group languages And Open sets of the Hall topology
Abstract : This main result of this paper states that a recognizable language is open in the Hall topology if and only if it belongs to the polynomial closure C of the group languages. A group language is a recognizable language accepted by a permutation automaton. The polynomial closure of a class of languages L is the set of languages that are finite unions of languages of the form L0a1L1 ... anLn, where the ai's are letters and the Li's are elements of L . The Hall topology is the topology in which the open sets are finite or infinite unions of group languages. We also give a combinatorial description of these languages and a syntactic characterization. Let L be a recognizable set of A*, let M be its syntactic monoid and let P be its syntactic image. Then L belongs to C if and only if, for every s,t OE M and for every idempotent e of M, st OE P implies set OE P. Finally, we give a characterization on the minimal automaton of L that leads to a polynomial time algorithm to check, given a finite deterministic automaton, whether it recognizes of C .
Publications internes Litp 1994 / Litp research reports 1994