Rapport de Recherche Litp /
Litp research reports
32 pages - Décembre/December 1994 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Finite semigroups and recognizable languages : an introduction
Abstract : This paper is a survey on finite automata and recognizable languages. It is written for the mathematician who has a background in semigroup theory but knows next to nothing on automata and languages. The topics covered in this paper include Kleene's theorem, the equivalence between finite automata and finite semigroups, the various hierarchies of languages (dot-depth, star-height, etc.), the syntactic characterization of the star-free , the piecewise testable and the locally testable languages, Eilenberg's variety theorem and a quick review of some more recent developments.
Publications internes Litp 1994 / Litp research reports 1994