Rapport de Recherche Laforia /
Laforia research reports
? pages - Mars/March 1997 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : 180 Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Context in Human-Machine Problem Solving:A Survey
Abstract : Context appears in AI as a challenge for the coming years as shown by the various scientific events focusing on context held since 1995. However, context is already considered in other domains, as Natural Language, although through few aspects of context. We present in this paper a survey of the literature dealing directly and explicitly with context whatever the domain is. This permits to have a clear view on the context in AI. One of the conclusions of this survey is to point out the existence of different types of context along knowledge representation, the mechanisms of reasoning on the knowledge, and the interaction of the computer system with a human.
Keywords: Context, knowledge representation, knowledge modeling, explanation, knowledge acquisition, machine learning
Publications internes Laforia 1996 / Laforia research reports 1996