Rapport de Recherche Laforia /
Laforia research reports
12 pages - Octobre/October 1996 -
Document en anglais.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Implementation of a reflective system.
Abstract : MACISTE is a reflective system that uses metaknowledge to use this metaknowledege itself. In particular, metaknowledge compiles knowledge and metaknowledge. As all metaknowledge is given in a declarative way, we bootstrap the system so that one can give it metaknowledge in a more and more declarative form. There is another kind of reflectivity: MACISTE can observe its own behavior so that it will be able to improve it if it detects some errors or inefficiencies. Although its main goal is to improve itself, it has been used to define metaknowledge for a general problem-solver and for a general theorem-prover.
Publications internes Laforia 1996 / Laforia research reports 1996