Rapport de Recherche Laforia /
Laforia research reports
pages - Mai/May 1995 -
French document.
PostScript : 128 Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Etude et réalisation d'un système de satisfaction de contraintes avec application à l'harmonisation musicale40
Abstract : This is the final version of Pierre Roy's report for his research project (DEA-IRO) spent at LAFORIA from June to September 1994. It concerns the study of the state of the art in constraint propagation techniques, especially arc consistency techniques, and an implementation in Smalltalk of the main algorithms. Moreover, we applied these techniques to a problem known to be hard: automatic harmonization of four-voice chorals. The performances of the resulting system are compared to previous approaches. They show that the systematic use of objects (structures and methods) allows to reduce drastically the system's complexity by limiting the number of constrained variables.
Publications internes Laforia 1995 / Laforia research reports 1995