Rapport de Recherche Laforia /
Laforia research reports
14 pages - Mai/May 1995 -
French document.
PostScript : 20 Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Une nouvelle approche pour l'EIAO
Abstract : During the last ten years, the design of Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) has evolved on two ways : From a theorical point of view, by developing new ideas about knowledge acquisition by human and by introducing the concept of "knowledge level". But, basing ourselves on our own experience, developping the QUIZ system, we think that, from a practical point of view, the inferences are not drawn, neither about the evolution of the theorical point of view, neither about the tremendous difficulties to realise an ITS. It is why we propose a new approach based on the use of a non-expert problem solver. In this case, the apprenticeship of non-beginners mainly consists to find the weaknesses of the problem solver, analysing the differences between the computer solution and theirs. It appears to us that the learner is encouraged to acquire deep knowledge and that this approach can be very motivating for him. It is why we call this approach "CHALLENGE the COMPUTER".
Publications internes Laforia 1995 / Laforia research reports 1995