Rapport de Recherche Laforia /
Laforia research reports
19 pages - Mai/May 1995 -
French document.
PostScript : Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Synthèse des techniques de commande connexionniste
Abstract : In this report, we investigate the application of connectionist techniques to process identification and control. After a general presentation, we insist on the following aspects:
€ Problems relative to the application of connectionist networks to the particular field of identification and control.
€ Caracteristics and specificities of numerical learning techniques and connectionist networks, compared to standard techniques.
We then classify and present these techniques through 4 categories: those concerning identification, connectionist controler learning through an existing controler, direct identification of the connectionist controler, and indirect learning of this controler. In the end of each section, we present some explanatory applications of the presented techniques.
Publications internes Laforia 1995 / Laforia research reports 1995