Rapport de Recherche Laforia /
Laforia research reports
55 pages - Novembre/November 1994 -
French document.
PostScript : 60 Ko /Kb
Titre / Title: Résolution d'exercices de dénombrement par reconnaissance de leur classe
Abstract : Within the context of metaknowledge, we are interested in identifying the class which a given problem falls in from term observation. This work takes place within the ILE project "Combien?", the counting exercices having been chosen as a field of application for investigating the realisation of an ILE system. Once the classification of these exercices is done, each of them is analysed in order to determine its type and its main characteristics. Our system, realised along these principles, calculates the class of the exercise from which it deduces the solution to the problem.
Publications internes Laforia 1994 / Laforia research reports 1994