LIP6 2001/022

  • Reports
    Commentaires à propos des connaissances et du contexte
  • P. Brézillon, J.-Ch. Pomerol
  • 14 pages - 10/13/2001- document en - - 58 Ko
  • Contact : Patrick.Brezillon (at)
  • Ancien Thème : SYSDEF
  • Many attempts have been made to capture, on the one hand, the nature of knowledge, and on the other hand, the nature of context. In this paper, we compare the two concepts of context and knowledge which, obviously, share some common aspects. Rather than trying to precisely define knowledge and context, we review the generally proposed characteristics of both concepts and while we conclude to a large overlapping of the two concepts, we also emphasize their differences as regards decision making and action.
  • Keywords : knowledge, context, artificial intelligence, decision support system, tacit knowledge, proceduralized context
  • Publisher : Patrick.Gallinari (at)