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Programmation sur Plateforme Mobile - companion web site
Week 14 — Advanced Notions in Android

Summary of the week

This week deals with the internal part of android. Mechanisms used to broadcast information will be overviewed for persistent data (e.g. stored in a database) as well as temporary data (e.g. the values of sensors). Moreover, we will survey threads and asynchronous tasks that are necessary to build reactive applications. Finally, the advertizing, as a way to earn money, will be see.

Map of the week

It is also available here as a pdf file. You may access to the videos via the map, or thanks to the table of content on your left (with also some related information). Significations of logos and colore is explained below the map.

%3 debsemaine14 Semaine 14 Android, notions avancées seq195 Framework de communication debsemaine14->seq195 seq196 Les Services seq195->seq196 seq199 les Widgets seq195->seq199 seq197 Broadcast Receiver seq196->seq197 seq198 Les Content Providers seq197->seq198 seq198->seq199 seq200 Gestion des packages et redéfinir l'écran d'acueil seq199->seq200 seq201 Les tâches asynchrones seq200->seq201 seq202 Les threads seq201->seq202 seq203 Gestion de la batterie seq202->seq203 seq204 Connexion au réseau seq203->seq204 seq205 Les capteurs seq204->seq205 seq206 Peer 2 Peer seq204->seq206 seq205->seq206 seq207 La publicité seq206->seq207 seq208 Conclusion générale du cours seq207->seq208 finsemaine14 142 mn max de vidéo seq208->finsemaine14

Logos and colors associated to videos

On the maps Icons in pages Meaning
Video with a red background Presentation of main concepts
Video with a green background Presentation of optional elements (prerequisite shown on the web page)
Video with a blue background Analysis of examples
Video with a purple background Demonstrations
Video with an orange background Presentation of an exercise to be solved by the students

Plain arrowsrepresent the order of sequences and dotted arrows represent a dependency between two sequences when it is not motivated by the precedence order (typically, when an example seen in a previous video is enriched in a later one).