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Programmation sur Plateforme Mobile - companion web site
CLVII - «Me&Map»


Pour l'exercice


Résumé de la séquence

This video presents the «Me&Map» application that must work on large devices (use of a split view) and small devices (use of a tab bar).

This application is composed of two hierarchies of views. The first one contains a text area to enter a city name or an address. The second is an history of the addresses that have been visited.

The application uses a web service from Google to feGPS coordinates of the address that has been entered. The URL structure of this service is provided below.<adresse>&sensor=false&key=<key>

Where <adresse> is the address provided by the user, and <clef> is you own Google key to access this service.

Maps may be displayed in the following modes: map, satellite or hybrid. A switch in the application settings allows the user to enable a satellite map by default. Otherwise, the standard map is displayed.

The history is presented as a UITAbleView that may be saved. Then, when the application restarts, it is initialized with from this backup if it exists.

Keywords : NSURLRequest, NSURLConnection, NSURLConnectionDelegate, NSURLConnectionDataDelegate, NSXMLParser, NSXMLParserDelegate, NSCoding, NSFileManager, NSUserDefaults, UITableViewController, UISplitViewController, UITabBarController, MKMapView.

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Useful links

Here are some references for those who want to get more information: