VALERO Mathieu

PhD graduated
Team : REGAL
Departure date : 09/30/2012

Supervision : Pierre SENS

Co-supervision : ARANTES Luciana

Amélioration des performances et de la fiabilité des architectures pair à pair arborescentes

Despite having been widely studied over the last decade, peer-to-peer (P2P) systems remain a challenging field of research. They are designed to scale, but scalability comes at a price: they must deal with unpredictability of nodes joining and leaving the systems (churn), failures, heterogeneity in processing power and communication speeds, etc. These problems are particularly difficult to solve when P2P systems have to maintain a given structure, as in the case of tree-based overlays. This thesis tackles a set of well-focused research problems in the context of tree-based P2P overlays: performance and dependability improvements.

Defence : 12/01/2011

Jury members :

Olivier Beaumont, Directeur de recherche, LABRI - France [Rapporteur]
Pascal Felber, Professeur, Institut d'informatique de Neuchatel - Suisse [Rapporteur]
Roberto Baldoni, Professeur, Université Sapienza de Rome - Italie
Serge Fdida, Professeur, LIP6 - France
Pierre Sens, professeur, LIP6 - France
Luciana Arantes, maître de conférence, LIP6 - France
Maria Potop-Butucaru, maître de conférence, LIP6 - France

Departure date : 09/30/2012

2009-2013 Publications