Nathanaël Gross--Humbert
Phd Student at Sorbonne Université in the SMA team of the LIP6 laboratory.
address: Boîte courrier 169,
Couloir 25-26, Étage 4, Bureau 403
4 place Jussieu 75252 PARIS CEDEX 05
I am currently a PhD student under the supervision of Aurélie Beynier, Nawal Bennabou and Nicolas Maudet. My thesis is about group fairness and diversity constraints in the context of indivisible resource allocation problems: I study the notion of fairness for group of agents, as well as the impact of diversity constraints on the agents' happiness.
My research subjects includes computational social choice, multi-agent systems, fair division and game theory.
Nathanaël Gross-Humbert, Nawal Benabbou, Aurélie Beynier, and Nicolas Maudet. Sequential and Swap Mechanisms for Public Housing Allocation with Quotas and Neighbourhood-Based Utilities (Extended Abstract). In 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021), London / Online, United Kingdom, May 2021
Nathanaël Gross-Humbert, Nawal Benabbou, Aurélie Beynier, and Nicolas Maudet. Sequential and Swap Mechanisms for Public Housing Allocation with Quotas and Neighbourhood-based Utilities. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 2023
Nathanaël Gross-Humbert, Nawal Benabbou, Aurélie Beynier, and Nicolas Maudet. On the Notion of Envy Among Groups of Agents in House Allocation Problems. 26th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023
Presentation at national conference:
ROADEF 2023: Envie entre groupes d’agents dans des problèmes d’affectation
Teaching responsibilities:
Basics of Python (2020-2021)
Optimization (2022)
Data structure (2021)
IA & Game Theory (2023)